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The Power of Faith and Kindness


Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a poor but hardworking farmer named Ramesh. He had a small piece of land where he grew wheat. His crops were his only source of income, and he depended on them to feed his family.

One summer, Ramesh prayed for rain as his fields were drying up. After a long wait, the sky darkened, and raindrops began to fall. He was overjoyed and believed his prayers had been answered. However, within minutes, the gentle rain turned into a violent storm, bringing hailstones that destroyed his entire crop. Ramesh was heartbroken.

With no food and no money, he thought of an idea. Remembering his grandmother’s teachings about faith, he wrote a letter to God, asking for ₹5,000 to buy seeds and restart his farming. He took the letter to the post office and dropped it in the mailbox, hoping for a miracle.

The postmaster, seeing the letter addressed to "God", was deeply moved. He shared the story with his colleagues, and together, they collected ₹3,000 for Ramesh. Though they couldn’t gather the full amount, they sent it anonymously to him.

Ramesh received the envelope and counted the money. Instead of being grateful, he frowned. “God has sent me only ₹3,000. Someone must have stolen the rest!” he thought. He wrote another letter to God:

"Dear God, thank you for helping me. But next time, please don’t send the money through the post office. The people here are thieves!"

The postmaster read the second letter and smiled. Though mistaken, Ramesh’s faith remained unshaken, and the kindness of strangers had given him hope.

Moral of the Story:

  • Faith gives us strength, but we must also recognize kindness.
  • Help can come in unexpected ways, and gratitude makes us richer than money ever can.

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