Assam Public Service Commission invites application from lndian Citizens as defined in Afticles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of lndia for the under-mentioned posts under Assam Government in the scale of pay as indicated below and carrying usual allowances as admissible under Rules of the Govt. of Assam.
(1) Name of the Post :- Fisheries Development Officer (FDO) under Fishery Department.
(2) No of posts :- 65 (Sixty-five)
(3) Reservation of posts :-
5. Elisibilitv Criteria :- The candidate must be an lndian Citizen as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of lndia and must be a permanent resident of Assam, As a domicile proof of the candidate, he/she must upload a copy of the valid Permanent Resident Certificate issued in Assam for educational purpose/Employment Exchange Registration Certificate will be heated as proof of residency
6. Education Qualification :. The essential qualification for the post of Fisheries Development Officer (FDO) is Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc.)degree from any institution recognized by lndian Councilof Agricultural Research (ICAR). (Upload relevant all semesters/year mark sheets and the final pass certificate)
7. AGE: The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2025. The upper age limit is relaxable :
(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates, i.e. upto 43 years.
(ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. upto 41 years as per Govt. Notification No. ABP. 6/2016/9 dated Dispur the 25th April 2018.
(iii) For Ex.Servicemen, the maximum age shall be 50 years as on 01.01.2025 tor Unreserved category, relaxable further by 3 (Three) years for OBC/MOBC candidates and 5 (Five) years for SC/ST candidates.
iv) Persons with benchmark disability (PwBD) 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and UR Category of candidates as per Govt. Memorandum No. ABP 1441951121dated Dispur the 28th October, 2015.
The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Class-XClass.Xll Examination Admit Card/Pass Certificate/Marksheet issued by a recognized Central/State Board/Council where Age/Date of Birth (DOB) is clearly reflected. No other document shall be accepted in lieu of the above mentioned documents for age proof.
8. For PwBD Cateqorv Candidate: To be eligible for consideration under PwBD category, a candidate must possess Benchmark Disability and must produce necessary certificate issued by the competent authority.
(Upload relevant documents)
9. For Government Employees of the state of Assam: Candidates, already in regular Government service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity other than casual/ad-hoc/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis, in order to prove their employment, must upload a certificate against the applied post, issued by the competent authority under which he/she is working.
However, candidates, seeking pay protection, continuation in service etc,, must upload 'No oBJECTI9N CERTIFICATE (NOC)' against the applied post, issued by the competent authority under which he/she is working.
Upload relevant documents)
10. The Small Family Norms :. As per Govt. notification No. ABP.69/2019117 , dated Dispur, the 6tt' Novemberl2019, candidates have to submit a declaration regarding "The Small Family Norms" in Form - A at the time of applying for the post. (Upload necessary documents) The advertisement has been issued as per draft advertisement furnished by the Government.